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WebGPU not supported

NOTICE: TransformFeedback is only available in WebGL 2. It is not recommend for applications to use these objects directly. See the BufferTransform class.

TransformFeedback objects hold state needed to perform WebGLTransformFeedback operations, which capture the output of a vertex shader to varyings in a buffer. Each TransformFeedback object holds buffer bindings used to store output, allowing applications to switch between different TransformFeedback objects and update bindings, similar to how VertexArrayObjects hold input vertex buffers.

TransformFeedback objects must assigned to a Model with the appropriate varyings. Some caveats apply, see remarks.

When using transform feedback, it is usually desirable to turn off rasterization to prevent the fragment shader from running unnecessarily. This can be achieved by setting the discard: true option when creating a render pipeline.

For more information, see OpenGL Wiki.


Create a Model for transform feedback operations.

return new Model(device, {
topology: 'point-list'
attributes: {inValue: buffer},
bufferLayout: [{name: 'inValue', format: 'float32'}],
varyings: ['outValue'],

Create a TransformFeedback and assign output buffers.

const transformFeedback = device.createTransformFeedback({
layout: model.pipeline.shaderLayout,
buffers: {0: positionBuffer, 1: colorBuffer}


When binding the buffers, index should be equal to the corresponding varying entry in varyings array passed to Model. Buffers can also be bound using varying name, and resolved using the model's associated Pipeline and ShaderLayout.

const transformFeedback = device.createTransformFeedback({
layout: model.pipeline.shaderLayout,
buffers: {
outputColor: bufferColor,
gl_Position: bufferPosition

To run a TransformFeedback operation, draw a Model with an associated TransformFeedback. Optionally, set discard to avoid unnecessary rasterization while performing the operation.

const renderPass = device.beginRenderPass({discard: true});




  • .bindOnUse = true - If true, binds and unbinds buffers before and after use, rather than right away when set. Workaround for a possible Khronos/Chrome bug.


constructor(device : WebGLDevice, props: TransformFeedbackProps)

Requires a WebGL 2 device. See TransformFeedbackProps for props. TransformFeedback instances should be created by Device#createTransformFeedback, rather than using the constructor directly.

WebGL APIs gl.createTransformFeedback


  • props.layout = (ShaderLayout) - Layout of shader (for varyings)
  • props.buffers = (Object) - Map of location index or name to Buffer or BufferRange object. Used for varyings. If buffer parameters object is supplied, it contains following fields.
    • buffer = (Buffer) - Buffer object to be bound.
    • byteOffset= (Number, default: 0) - Byte offset for writes into the buffer.
    • byteLength= (Number, default: buffer.byteLength) - Byte length, from offset, available for writes into the buffer.


  • buffers - will get bound to indices in the GL.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER target.

destroy() : void

Destroys a TransformFeedback object.

WebGL APIs gl.deleteTransformFeedback

setBuffers(buffers: Object) : void

  • buffers = (Object) - Map of location index or name to Buffer or BufferRange object. Used for varyings. If buffer parameters object is supplied, it contains following fields.
    • buffer = (Buffer) - Buffer object to be bound.
    • byteOffset = (Number, default: 0) - Byte offset for writes into the buffer.
    • byteLength = (Number, default: buffer.byteLength) - Byte length, from offset, available for writes into the buffer.


  • To use gl.bindBufferRange, byteLength must be specified. When not specified, gl.bindBufferBase is used for binding.

WebGL APIs gl.bindBufferBase, gl.bindBufferRange

begin(topology : PrimitiveTopology = 'point-list') : void

Activates transform feedback using the buffer bindings in this TransformFeedback object.


  • Buffers can not be accessed until TransformFeedback.end or TransformFeedback.pause have been called.
  • Buffers can not be changed until TransformFeedback.end or has been called, which includes doing anything which reads from or writes to any part of these buffers (outside of feedback writes, of course, or reallocating storage for any of these buffers).

WebGL APIs gl.beginTransformFeedback

end() : void

Ends transform feedback operation, allowing access and changes to Buffers.

WebGL APIs gl.endTransformFeedback


Primitive ModeCompatible Topology
GL.LINESline-list, line-strip
GL.TRIANGLEStriangle-list, triangle-strip


GL.MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS>=4total number of variables that can be captured }
GL.MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS>=4number of components that any particular variable can contain
GL.MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS>= 64total number of components in interleaved capture
GL.MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFERSTBDAdvanced interleaving total number of buffers


About TransformFeedback activation caveats

  • When activated, TransformFeedback is coupled to the current Model.
  • TransformFeedback#begin prevents the app from changing or re-linking the current program. So for instance, Program.use (gl.useProgram) cannot be called until after calling TransformFeedback#end.