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Upgrade Guide

The upgrade guide lists breaking changes in each major and minor version of the API, and provides information on how to update applications.

Upgrade instructions assume that you are upgrading from the immediately previous release. If you are upgrading across multiple releases you will want to consider the release notes for all intermediary releases. largely follows SEMVER conventions. Breaking changes are typically only done in major versions, minor version bumps bring new functionality but few breaking changes, and patch releases typically contain only low-risk fixes.

For detailed commit level logs that include alpha and beta releases, see the CHANGELOG in the github repository.

Upgrading to v9.2 (In Development)

v9.2 brings full WebGPU support. Some additional deprecations and breaking changes have been necessary, but apart from the Texture -> AsyncTexture split, impact on most applications should be minimal.

Texture and AsyncTexture

  • The Texture class has been simplified to the minimum API required for GPU portability. The AsyncTexture texture class provides a higher-level API and is recommended for most applications.
  • device.createTexture() no longer accepts Use AsyncTexture or call texture.setImageData()
  • device.createTexture() no longer accepts props.mipmaps: Use AsyncTexture (or call texture.generateMipmapsWebGL())

Removal of WebGL uniform support

  • The transition from uniforms to uniform buffers is complete, and remaining support for non-buffer uniforms has been removed.
  • core: Renderpipeline.setUniformsWebGL() dropped, use uniform buffer bindings
  • engine: Model.setUniformsWebGL() dropped, use uniform buffer bindings
  • shadertools: WebGL1 shader modules have been removed, use the new modules uniform buffer-based counterparts.

CanvasContext simplifications

  • canvasContext.devicePixelWidth and canvasContext.devicePixelHeight are now kept updated to exact device pixel size of underlying canvas.
  • Instead canvasContext.setDrawingBufferSize() to explicitly control drawing buffer size, if not using CanvasContextProps.autoResize
  • A new DeviceProps.onResize callback can be used to react to changes.
  • CanvasContextProps.useDevicePixelRatio no longer accepts numbers, just a boolean value.

Minor changes

  • core: The shader types has been refactored, some shader type names have changed. These are typically not used directly by applications.

Upgrading to v9.1

v9.1 continues to build out WebGPU support. Some additional deprecations and breaking changes have been necessary, but impact on most applications should be minimal.

Major change: Adapters

  • When initializing, applications now import an Adapter singleton from the WebGPU and/or the WebGL module, and passes the adapter object(s) to luma.createDevice(), makeAnimationLoop etc.
  • luma.registerDevices() can be replaced with luma.registerAdapters() if global registration is still desired.

Major change: Texture and AsyncTextures

  • The texture API is being streamlined to work symmetrically across WebGPU and WebGL.
  • Texture.copyExternalImage() and Texture.copyImageData() replaces Texture.setImageData() when initializing texture memory with image data.
  • Textures no longer accept promises when setting data (e.g. from loadImageBitmap(url).
  • Instead, a new AsyncTexture class does accept promises and creates actual Textures once the promise resolves and data is available.
  • The Model class now accepts AsyncTextures as bindings and defers rendering until the underlying texture has been created.

Updated APIStatusReplacementComment
luma.registerDevices()Deprecatedluma.registerAdapters().Adapters provide a cleaner way to work with GPU backends.
DeviceProps.canvasMovedDeviceProps.createCanvasContext.Move canvas related props to props.createCanvasContext: {}.
DeviceProps.<webgl options>MovedDeviceProps.webgl.<options>.Move canvas related props to props.webgl: {}.
DeviceProps.breakRemovedUse an alterative debugger (Promise)RemovedAsyncTexture classTexture no longer accept promises. Use AsyncTexture
Parameters.blendNewExplicit activation of color blending
triangle-fan-webgl topologyRemovedtriangle-strip.Reorganize your geometries
line-loop-webgl topologyRemovedline-list.Reorganize your geometries
glsl shader template stringRemoved/* glsl */ commentEnable syntax highlighting in vscode using before shader string
depth24unorm-stencil8Removeddepth24plus-stencil8The TextureFormat was dropped from the WebGPU spec
rgb8unorm-unsizedRemovedrgb8unormDrop support for unsized WebGL1 TextureFormat
rgba8unorm-unsizedRemovedrgb8aunormDrop support for unsized WebGL1 TextureFormat

Updated APIStatusReplacementComment
ShaderModuleInstanceRemovedUse ShaderModule instead.Type has been removed.
initializeShaderModule()ChangedInitializes the original shader module object
ShaderModuleInstance.getUniforms()RemovedgetShaderModuleUniforms(module, ...).Interact directly with the shader module
getDependencyGraph()RemovedgetShaderModuleDependencies(module) .Interact directly with the shader module
glsl template stringRemoved/* glsl */ commentEnable syntax highlighting in vscode using comment

  • WebGLDeviceContext - Note that v9.1 and onwards set DeviceProps.webgl.preserveDrawingBuffers to true by default. This can be disabled for some (potential) memory savings and a (potential) minor performance boost on resource limited devices, such as mobile phones, at the cost of not being able to take screenshots or rendering to the screen without clearing it.

Upgrading to v9.0 v9 is a major modernization of the API, with many breaking changes, so the upgrade notes for this release are unusually long. To facilitate porting to the v9 release we have also provided a Porting Guide that also provides more background information and discusses porting strategies.

Upgrading to v8 and earlier releases

This page only covers v9 and later releases. For information on upgrading to from v8 and earlier releases, see the Legacy Upgrade Guide.