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A Framebuffer holds textures that will be used as render targets for RenderPipelines together with additional information on how the RenderPipeline should use the various attached textures:

  • one or more color textures
  • optionally a depth / stencil buffer
  • clearColor, clearDepth and clearStencil etc fields on the various attachments.

The list of attachments cannot be changed after creation, however a Framebuffer can be "resized" causing the attachments to be resized.

Special Framebuffers can be obtained from CanvasContexts that enabled rendering directly into HTML canvases (i.e. onto the screen).

The use of framebuffers is described in detail in the Rendering Guide.


Creating a framebuffer and have it auto-create color and depth attachments

const framebuffer = device.createFramebuffer({
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
colorAttachments: [{format: 'rgb8unorm'}],
depthStencilAttachment: {format: 'depth24unorm-stencil8'}

Creating a framebuffer with supplied color and depth attachments

const size = {
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight
const framebuffer = device.createFramebuffer({
colorAttachments: [device.createTexture({format: 'rgb8unorm', ...size})],
depthStencilAttachment: device.createTexture({format: 'depth24unorm-stencil8', ...size})

Resizing a framebuffer to the size of the browser's window by resizing all attachments.

framebuffer.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

To render into a canvas make sure you have a CanvasContext for that HTML or offscreen canvas. You can the obtain a Framebuffer object from the CanvasContext using canvasContext.getDefaultFramebuffer().

For the

const canvasFramebuffer = canvasContext.getDefaultFramebuffer();
const canvasRenderPass = device.beginRenderPass({framebuffer: canvasFramebuffer});
model2.draw({renderPass: screenRenderPass, ...});

Alternatively can create texture based framebuffers for off-screen rendering. Specifying a separate offscreen framebuffer for rendering:

const offScreenFramebuffer = device.createFramebuffer(...);

const offScreenRenderPass = device.beginRenderPass({framebuffer: offScreenFramebuffer});
model1.draw({renderPass: offScreenRenderPass, ...});

// Textures attached offscreenFramebuffer now contain the results of the first renderpass,
// and those textures can be used as input for a second to-screen render pass

const screenRenderPass = device.beginRenderPass();
model2.draw({renderPass: screenRenderPass, ...});


Framebuffer Attachment Values

The following values can be provided for each attachment point

  • Texture - attaches at mipmapLevel 0 (the the supplied Texture's default TextureView.
  • TextureView
    • 2d: attaches the specified mipmapLevel from the supplied Texture, or cubemap face. The second element in the array must be 0.
    • cube: face (depth), mipmapLevel=0 - attaches the specifed cubemap face from the Texture, at the specified mipmap level.
    • 2d-array, layer (number), mipmapLevel=0 (number)] - attaches the specifed layer from the Texture, at the specified mipmap level.
    • 3d, layer (number), mipmapLevel=0 (number)] - attaches the specifed layer from the Texture3D, at the specified mipmap level.

Framebuffer Attachments

A Framebuffer holds:

  • an array of "color attachments" (often just one) that store data (one or more color Textures)
  • an optional depth, stencil or combined depth-stencil Texture).

All attachments must be in the form of Textures.

Resizing Framebuffers

Resizing a framebuffer effectively destroys all current textures and creates new textures with otherwise similar properties. All data stored in the previous textures are lost. This data loss is usually a non-issue as resizes are usually performed between render passes, (typically to match the size of an off screen render buffer with the new size of the output canvas).



id?stringAn optional name (id) of the buffer.
width? = 1numberThe width of the framebuffer.
height? = 1numberThe height of the framebuffer.
colorAttachmentsColorAttachment|Texture[]Array of render target textures.
depthStencilAttachment?DepthStencilAttachment|Texture[]Depth/stencil texture.


  • device: Device - holds a reference to the Device that created this Framebuffer.
  • handle: unknown - WebGL: holds the underlying WebGLFramebuffer. No underlying object on WebGPU.
  • props: FramebufferProps - holds a copy of the FramebufferProps used to create this Buffer.


colorAttachments: TextureView)[]

Framebuffer attachments lets the user specify the textures that will be used for a RenderPass, together with some additional options for how to clear color textures.


depthStencilAttachments: TextureView[]

Framebuffer attachments lets the user specify the depth stencil texture that will be used for a RenderPass, together with some additional options for how to clear depth and stencil buffers.



Create with device.createFramebuffer(...). (Framebuffer is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly with new Framebuffer().)

An application can render into an (HTML or offscreen) canvas by obtaining a Framebuffer object from a CanvasContext using canvasContext.getDefaultFramebuffer(). Alternatively can create texture based framebuffers for off-screen rendering.

destroy(): void

Free up any GPU resources associated with this buffer immediately (instead of waiting for garbage collection).

TBD - When destroying Framebuffer will also destroy any Texture that was created automatically during Framebuffer creation. Supplied textures will not be destroyed (but will eventually be garbage collected and destroyed).

resize(width: number, height: number): void

Framebuffer.resize(width, height)

Resizes all the Framebuffer's current attachments to the new width and height by calling resize on those attachments.

  • width - the new width of Framebuffer in pixels
  • height - the new height of Framebuffer in pixels

Note the framebuffer.resize() method has been designed so that it can be called every frame without performance concerns. While the actual resizing of attachments can be expensive, the resize() methods checks if width or height have changed before actually resizing any attachments.



  • The Framebuffer class is a pure class as this concept does not exist natively in WebGPU (attachment information has to be provided through the GPURenderPassDescriptor colorAttachments and the depthStencilAttachment fields every frame when a render pass is created).`.
  • resize() will destroy and recreate textures (meaning the the underlying GPUTexture / GPUTextureView handles are no longer the same after a resize()


  • The Framebuffer class wraps the WebGLFramebuffer object, see e.g. Framebuffer and Framebuffer Object in the OpenGL Wiki.
  • resize() will erase the current content of any attachments, but not actually recreate them (The underlyingWebGLTexture handles are not changed).