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How Rendering Works


Note that the documentation includes a series of tutorials that explain how to render with the API.

A major feature of any GPU API is the ability to issue GPU draw calls.

GPUs can draw into textures, or to the screen. In


To draw into a texture, the application needs to create

  • A Texture that is the target of the draw call
  • A Framebuffer that references the texture being drawn into.
  • A RenderPass using the framebuffer.

If drawing to the screen, the application will instead need to create

  • A CanvasContext connected to a canvas that the GPU should draw into
  • A Framebuffer by calling canvasContext.getCurrentFramebuffer().
  • A RenderPass using the framebuffer.

Finally, to perform that actual draw call, the application needs a

  • A RenderPipeline using the shader code that will execute during the draw.

Note: setting up a "raw" Renderpipeline requires a substantial amount of boilerplace and setup. Instead most applications will typically use the Model class in module to issue draw calls.

Creating a Texture

To create a texture suitable as a simple render target, call device.createTexture() with no mipmaps and following sampler parameters:

Texture parameterValue

Creating a Framebuffer

To help organize the target texture(s), provides a Framebuffer class. A Framebuffer is a simple container object that holds textures that will be used as render targets for a RenderPass, containing

  • one or more color attachments
  • optionally, a depth, stencil or depth-stencil attachment

Framebuffer also provides a resize method makes it easy to efficiently resize all the attachments of a Framebuffer with a single method call.

device.createFramebuffer constructor enables the creation of a framebuffer with all attachments in a single step.

When no attachments are provided during Framebuffer object creation, new resources are created and used as default attachments for enabled targets (color and depth).

An application can render into an (HTML or offscreen) canvas by obtaining a Framebuffer object from a CanvasContext using canvasContext.getDefaultFramebuffer().

Alternatively an application can create custom framebuffers for rendering directly into textures.

The application uses a Framebuffer by providing it as a parameter to device.beginRenderPass(). All operations on that RenderPass instance will render into that framebuffer.

A Framebuffer is shallowly immutable (the list of attachments cannot be changed after creation), however a Framebuffer can be "resized".

Creating a CanvasContext

While a Device can be used on its own to perform computations on the GPU, at least one CanvasContext is required for rendering to the screen.

A CanvasContext holds a connection between the GPU Device and an HTML or offscreen canvas (HTMLCanvasElement (or OffscreenCanvas)_ into which it can render.

The most important method is CanvasContext.getCurrentFramebuffer() that is used to obtain fresh Framebuffer every render frame. This framebuffer contains a special texture colorAttachment that draws into to the canvas "drawing buffer" which will then be copied to the screen when then render pass ends.

While there are ways to obtain multiple CanvasContext instances on WebGPU, the recommended portable way (that also works on WebGL) is to create a "default canvas context" by supplying the createCanvasContext prop to your luma.createDevice({..., createCanvasContext: true}) call. The created canvas contest is available via device.getDefaultCanvasContext().

Creating a RenderPipeline

const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({
id: 'my-pipeline',
vs: vertexShaderSourceString,
fs: fragmentShaderSourceString

Set or update bindings


Creating a Model

See engine documentation.


Once all bindings have been set up, call pipeline.draw()

const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({vs, fs});

// Create a `VertexArray` to store buffer values for the vertices of a triangle and drawing
const vertexArray = device.createVertexArray();

const success = pipeline.draw({vertexArray, ...});

Create a VertexArray to store buffer values for the vertices of a triangle and drawing

const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({vs, fs});
const vertexArray = new VertexArray(gl, {pipeline});
aVertexPosition: new Buffer(gl, {data: new Float32Array([0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0])})

pipeline.draw({vertexArray, ...});

Creating a pipeline for transform feedback, specifying which varyings to use

const pipeline = device.createRenderPipeline({vs, fs, varyings: ['gl_Position']});

Rendering into a canvas

To draw to the screen in, simply create a RenderPass by calling device.beginRenderPass() and start rendering. When done rendering, call renderPass.end()

  // A renderpass without parameters uses the default framebuffer of the device's default CanvasContext 
const renderPass = device.beginRenderPass();

For more detail. device.canvasContext.getDefaultFramebuffer() returns a special framebuffer that lets you render to screen (into the device's swap chain textures). This framebuffer is used by default when a device.beginRenderPass() is called without providing a framebuffer:

  const renderPass = device.beginRenderPass({framebuffer: device.canvasContext.getDefaultFramebuffer()});


Unless implementing special compositing techniques, applications usually want to clear the target texture before rendering. Clearing is performed when a RenderPass starts. Framebuffer attachments are cleared according to the clearColor,clearDepth,clearStencil RenderPassProps. props.clearColor will clear the color attachment using the supplied color. The default clear color is a fully transparent black [0, 0, 0, 0].

  const renderPass = device.beginRenderPass({clearColor: [0, 0, 0, 1]});

Depth and stencil buffers should normally also be cleared to default values:

  const renderPass = device.beginRenderPass({
clearColor: [0, 0, 0, 1],
depthClearValue: 1,
stencilClearValue: 0

Clearing can be disabled by setting any of the clear properties to the string constant 'false'. Instead of clearing before rendering, this loads the previous contents of the framebuffer.

Note: Clearing is normally be expected to be more performant than not clearing, as the latter requires the GPU to read in the previous content of texture while rendering.

Offscreen rendering

It is possible to render into an OffscreenCanvas, enabling worker thread use cases etc.

Note: offscreen rendering sometimes refers to rendering into one or more application created Textures.

Resizing Framebuffers

Resizing a framebuffer effectively destroys all current textures and creates new textures with otherwise similar properties. All data stored in the previous textures are lost. This data loss is usually a non-issue as resizes are usually performed between render passes, (typically to match the size of an off screen render buffer with the new size of the output canvas).

A default Framebuffer should not be manually resized.

const framebuffer = device.createFramebuffer({
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
color: 'true',
depthStencil: true

Attaching textures and renderbuffers

depthStencil: device.createRenderbuffer({...}),
color0: device.createTexture({...})
framebuffer.checkStatus(); // optional

Resizing a framebuffer to the size of a window. Resizes (and possibly clears) all attachments.

framebuffer.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

Specifying a framebuffer for rendering in each render calls

const offScreenBuffer = device.createFramebuffer(...);
const offScreenRenderPass = device.beginRenderPass({framebuffer: offScreenFramebuffer});
framebuffer: offScreenBuffer,
parameters: {}
framebuffer: null, // the default drawing buffer
parameters: {}

Binding a framebuffer for multiple render calls

const framebuffer1 = device.createFramebuffer({...});
const framebuffer2 = device.createFramebuffer({...});

const renderPass1 = device.beginRenderPass({framebuffer: framebuffer1});

const renderPass2 = device.beginRenderPass({framebuffer: framebuffer1});

Using Multiple Render Targets


Multiple render target support is still experimental

Multiple textures from the framebuffer.colorAttachments array can be referenced in shaders

Writing to multiple framebuffer attachments in GLSL fragment shader

#extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers : require
precision highp float;
void main(void) {
gl_FragData[0] = vec4(0.25);
gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0.5);
gl_FragData[2] = vec4(0.75);
gl_FragData[3] = vec4(1.0);