The Device
class manages the application's connection with the GPU,
providing methods to:
- create GPU resources
- query the capabilities of the GPU
- detect GPU error conditions.
A Device
instance is created through the luma.createDevice(...)
Note that the actual Device
returned by luma.createDevice()
will be either
a WebGLDevice
wrapping a WebGL context or a WebGPUDevice
wrapping a WebGPU device
based on what the run-time environment supports.
The Device
API is intentionally designed to be similar to the
WebGPU GPUDevice
class API
with changes to enable a WebGL2 implementation.
Create a new Device
, auto creating a canvas and a new WebGL 2 context. See luma.createDevice()
import {Device} from '';
const device = new luma.createDevice({type: 'webgl2', ...});
Attaching a Device
to an externally created WebGL2RenderingContext
import {Device} from '';
import {Model} from '';
const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl2', ...);
const device = Device.attach(gl);
const model = new Model(device, options);
Handle GPU disconnections:
if (!device.isLost) {
console.error('Device lost');
const {message} = await device.lost;
This object can also include all CanvasContextProps
properties to configure how a new canvas is created. If a canvas is provided, these are ignored.
Specifies props to use when luma creates the device.
Property | Default | Description |
id?: string | null | Optional string id, mainly intended for debugging. |
createCanvasContext?: CanvasContextProps | true | CanvasContexProps | Create a default CanvasContext for the new Device . true creates a context with default props. |
powerPreference?: string | 'high-performance' | 'default' | 'high-performance' | 'low-power' (WebGL). |
webgl?: WebGLContextAttributes | WebGLContextAttributes | Attributes passed on to WebGL (canvas.getContext('webgl2', props.webgl) |
onError?: (error: Error) => unknown | log.error() | Called if an unhandled error is generated by |
onResize?: (ctx: CanvasContext) | | Called if the size of the "device pixel content box" changes. |
onVisibilityChange?: (ctx: CanvasContext) | | Called if the visibility of the canvas changes (window is closed or occluded). |
onDevicePixelRatioChange?: (ctx: CanvasContext) | | Called if the DPR changes (perhaps by moving the window to another screen |
debug? : boolean | false | Extra checks (wait for shader compilation, framebuffer completion, WebGL API errors will throw exceptions). |
debugShaders? : 'errors' 'warnings' 'always' 'never' | 'error' | Display shader source code with inline errors in the canvas. |
debugFramebuffers?: boolean | false | Show small copy of the contents of updated Framebuffers in the canvas. |
debugWebGL?: boolean | false | traces WebGL API calls to the console (via Khronos WebGLDeveloperTools). |
debugSpectorJS?: boolean | false | Initialize the SpectorJS WebGL debugger. |
debugSpectorJSUrl?: string | CDN url | SpectorJS URL. Override if different SpectorJS version is desired (or if CDN is down). |
Learn more GPU debugging in our Debugging guide.
For detailed control over WebGL context can specify what WebGLContextAttributes
to use if luma creates the WebGL context.
WebGLContextAttributes | Default | Description |
webgl.preserveDrawingBuffers?: boolean | true | Default render target buffers will preserve their values until overwritten. Useful for screen capture. |
webgl.alpha?: boolean | true | Default render target has an alpha buffer. |
webgl.antialias?: boolean | true | Boolean that indicates whether or not to perform anti-aliasing. |
webgl.depth?: boolean | true | Default render target has a depth buffer of at least 16 bits. |
webgl.premultipliedAlpha?: boolean | true | The page compositor will assume the drawing buffer contains colors with pre-multiplied alpha. |
webgl.stencil?: boolean | false | Default render target has a stencil buffer of at least 8 bits. |
webgl.desynchronized?: boolean | false | Hint to reduce latency by desynchronizing the canvas paint cycle from the event loop (WebGL). |
webgl.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat? | false | Do not create a Device if the system performance is low (WebGL). |
Note that v9.1 and onwards set webgl.preserveDrawingBuffers
to true
by default. This can be disabled for some memory savings and a minor performance boost on resource limited devices, such as mobile phones, at the cost of not being able to take screenshots or render to screen without clearing.
readonly id: string
A string identifier, for debug purposes.
statsManager: StatsManager
Provides access to bags of stats containing information about resource usage and performance of the device.
props: Required<DeviceProps>
A readonly copy of the props that were used to create this device.