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The Model class is the centerpiece of the API. It brings together all GPU functionality needed to run shaders and perform draw calls, in a single, easy-to-use interface.

Model manages the following responsibilities:

  • render pipeline creation -
  • attributes
  • bindings these can reference textures and uniform buffers
  • uniforms WebGL only uniforms
  • shader module injection
  • shader transpilation**
  • debugging - Detailed debug logging of draw calls

The Model class integrates with

  • The shader module system: see Shader Assembly.
  • The Geometry classes - accepts a [Mesh] or a Geometry instance, plus any additional attributes for instanced rendering)


import {Model} from ``;

One of the simplest way to provide attribute data is by using a Geometry object.

Create model object by passing shaders, uniforms, geometry and render it by passing updated uniforms.

import {Model, CubeGeometry} from ``;
// construct the model.
const model = new Model(device, {
geometry: new CubeGeometry(),
bindings: {
uSampler: texture

Provide attribute data using Buffer

When using Buffer objects, data remains on GPU and same Buffer object can be shared between multiple models.

// construct the model.
const model = new Model(device, {
topology: 'triangle-list',
vertexCount: 3,
attributes: {
attributeName1: bufferObject,
attributeName2: device.createBuffer(new Float32Array(...))
uniforms: {uSampler: texture},

On each frame, call the model.draw() function after updating any uniforms (typically matrices).

uPMatrix: currentProjectionMatrix,
uMVMatrix: current ModelViewMatrix

Debug shader source (even when shader successful)

// construct the model.
const model = new Model(device, {
debugShaders: true



vsShader | stringA vertex shader object, or source as a string.
fsShader | stringA fragment shader object, or source as a string.
modulesshader modules to be applied (shadertools).
pipelineFactory?PipelineFactory to use for program creation and caching.
debugShaders?'error' | 'never' | 'warnings' | 'always'Specify in what triggers the display shader compilation log (default: 'error').
onBeforeRender?Functionfunction to be called before every time this model is drawn.
onAfterRender?Functionfunction to be called after every time this model is drawn.
varyings?string[]WebGL: Array of vertex shader output variables (used in TransformFeedback flow).
bufferMode?WebGL: Mode for recording vertex shader outputs (used in TransformFeedback flow).

ModelProps also include RenderPipelineProps, which are passed through to the RenderPipeline constructor, e.g:

layoutShaderLayoutDescribes how shader attributes and bindings are laid out.
topology?'point-list', 'line-list', 'line-strip', 'triangle-list' or 'triangle-strip',
moduleSettings?Record<string, any>any values required by shader modules (will be mapped to uniforms).
uniforms?Record<string, any>any non-binding uniform values
bindings?Record<string, any>
buffers?Record<string, Buffer>


renderPipeline: RenderPipeline

The model's RenderPipeline instance

instanceCount: number

default value is 0.

vertexCount: number

when not provided will be deduced from geometry object.


constructor(device: Device, props: ModelProps)

The constructor for the Model class. Use this to create a new Model.

destroy(): void

Free GPU resources associated with this model immediately, instead of waiting for garbage collection.

draw(options: DrawOptions): boolean

Renders the model with provided uniforms, attributes and samplers

moduleSettings = null,
uniforms = {},
attributes = {},
samplers = {},
parameters = {},
vertexArray = null,
transformFeedback = null

Model.draw() calls Program.draw() but adds and extends the available parameters as follows:

  • moduleSettings=null (Object) - any uniforms needed by shader modules.
  • attributes={} (Object) - attribute definitions to be used for drawing. In additions to Buffer and constant values, Models can also accept typed arrays and attribute descriptor objects which it converts to buffers.
  • uniforms={} (Object) - uniform values to be used for drawing. In addition to normal uniform values, Model can also accept function valued uniforms which will be evaluated before every draw call.
  • animationProps (Object) - if any function valued uniforms are set on the Model, animationProps must be provided to the draw call. The animationProps are passed as parameter to the uniform functions.

The remaining draw options are passed directly to Program.draw():

  • uniforms={} (Object) - uniform values to be used for drawing.
  • samplers={} (Object) - texture mappings to be used for drawing.
  • parameters={} (Object) - temporary gl settings to be applied to this draw call.
  • framebuffer=null (Framebuffer) - if provided, renders into the supplied framebuffer, otherwise renders to the default framebuffer.
  • transformFeedback - an instance TranformFeedback object, that gets activated for this rendering.
  • vertexArray - an instance of VertexArray object, that holds required buffer bindings for vertex shader inputs.


  • boolean - true if the model was drawn, false if not (normally because resources were still being loaded). If false is returned, then the application should attempt to draw again next frame.

setVertexCount(): void

Sets the number of vertices

setInstanceCount(); void

How many instances will be rendered

setGeometry(); void

Use a Geometry instance to define attribute buffers

setAttributes(attributes: object, options?): void

Sets map of attributes (via VertexArray.setAttributes)

  • attributes (Object) - map of attribute names to values.
  • options.ignoreMissingAttributes (boolean) - if true, allows the function to silently ignore missing attributes.

setUniforms(uniforms: object): void (Deprecated)

Global uniforms key, value. Only works on WebGL, for portable code, use uniform buffers and model.setBindings() instead.

updateModuleSettings(moduleSettings: object): void (Deprecated)