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Installing is published as a suite of npm modules. Each module responsible for a particular part of the rendering stack.

A Minimal Install

The most basic module is which provides an abstract API for writing application code that works with both WebGPU and WebGL.

However, the module cannot be used on its own: it relies on being backed up by another module that implements the API. provides adapters (implementations of the abstract API) through the and modules.

The module is not usable on its own. A device adapter module must be imported.

yarn add
yarn add
yarn add
import {luma} from '';
import {webgl2Adapter} '';

const device = await luma.createDevice({type: 'webgpu', adapters: [webgl2Adapter], createCanvasContext: ...});

It is possible to register more than one device adapter to create an application that can work in both WebGL and WebGPU environments.

import {luma} from '';
import {webgl2Adapter} '';
import {webgpuAdapter} '';

const webgpuDevice = luma.createDevice({type: 'best-available', adapters: [webgl2Adapter, webgpuAdapter], createCanvasContext: ...});

A Typical Install

  • engine: High-level constructs such as Model, AnimationLoop and Geometry that allow a developer to work without worrying about rendering pipeline details.
  • webgl: Wrapper classes around WebGL objects such as Program, Buffer, VertexArray that allow a developer to manager the rendering pipeline directly but with a more convenient API.
  • shadertools: A system for modularizing and composing shader code.
  • debug: Tooling to aid in debugging.
yarn add
yarn add
yarn add
yarn add

Refer to the Module Catalog for more information about which modules to install.